The Heritage Specialist Certificate Program will give you the tools, skills, knowledge of what’s possible, and practice that leads to the confidence necessary to achieve your desired outcomes and the outcomes of your clients and their families and/or the collaboration competencies to make it happen.
This Certificate Program is designed for successful professionals who desire to take their relationships to the next level and understand collaboration is the secret to success. For many professionals, the “next level” means increasing their profits or philanthropic gifts, increasing their retention, making a bigger difference in their clients’ lives, and/or working with higher net-worth families.
The program includes topics listed below delivered through video-recorded segments, virtual training sessions, and an in-person coaching session. Also included are a copy of the book Beating the Midas Curse, certification in the Stratton Interpersonal Leadership Styles*, Expectations Conversation, Quantification Activity, and other assessments to understand your leadership and communication styles, plus you will experience and practice what you are being trained to do.
Better Listening, Better Questions, Better Relationships (BBB): This foundational training applies to all client-facing professionals, focusing on helping professionals close engagements faster, deepen their understanding of what the client really wants (for both the client and the advisor), and deepen client relationships and provides a simple way to clarify and establish mutually agreed-upon expectations that allow dreaded conversations to be easily addressed. This training qualifies for up to 15 Continuing Education credits for CFP (likely other organizations, too)
Training Includes:
How to understand and facilitate your client/prospect’s decision-making process;
Learning the 7-step Alignment Conversation to create deeper relationships with your existing clients, distinguish yourself from their other advisors (and competitors), and engage new "A" level clients;
Using the Expectations Conversation™ to set clear, agreed-upon expectations with your clients and prospects. One definition of disappointment is “the difference between someone’s expectations and their experience.” Clients often have unstated (and sometimes unrealistic) expectations. If you do not know what those are, you are likely to unknowingly disappoint them; and
Determining when multi-generational planning is appropriate for a client, an overview of The Heritage Process®, and where and how it can fit within your existing practice (which may be through collaboration).
Our Alignment Milestone Training is the gateway to unlocking your true potential and establishing yourself as a leader in your field.
Applying the tools and knowledge gained in the Alignment Milestones training, you will be able to bring families (or businesses, or philanthropy boards) together, uncover their core values, and create a personalized plan that aligns with their long-term goals. By guiding them through meaningful conversations about their shared future, you will position yourself as the go-to professional who truly understands their unique history, values, and beliefs. Through this training, you will master group dynamics, create alignment, identify purpose, understand leadership styles, envision common goals, and prioritize the next steps.
The annotated agendas including scripts for the pre-meeting individual calls and coaching;
A template for the summary memorandum;
Scheduled format with scripts for adapting to virtual;
Details for coaching for all family members;
The important logistics for the event, location;
Steps for post-meeting follow-up; and
Stratton ILS certification*
Creating Purpose Statement Training is where you will learn and practice tools, skills, and activities to facilitate groups to identify and articulate their unique purpose through a series of activities and experiences.
Although this training will use working with families for its context, these skills, tools, and activities are equally effective in helping any group to identify and articulate its purpose (aka mission/vision). These groups may include business boards, departments or teams, non-profit boards of directors or teams, and client couples to help them get on the same page and stay focused for their future planning and execution.
Creating, revisiting, and following a Vision/Mission statement is vital to the success of many businesses. Similarly, creating and revisiting their Family Purpose Statement provides a common vision for the family that is essential for any family that desires to maintain their financial wealth and family harmony from generation to generation. It is even more essential for families with a family business. And, it is often one of the family’s next steps upon completing a Family Alignment Milestone.
As part of your Certificate Program investment, you will receive a limited intellectual property (IP) license to use the IP you received during your training coaching sessions. You will also have the right to attend our Annual Conference & Awards Dinner at a discount, with access to The Heritage Institute Member Community and your Training Teams on Knowledge Vault, our private online training platform & library.
The Heritage Institute is a community within which professionals can prepare for and experience
their most desired professional and personal outcomes.
Do you want to take action and transform your business?
APPLY TODAY or REACH OUT to take your next step!