Your Family's Great Adventure StarTs Here
We are the world's foremost facilitators of special events designed to help families get stronger and more unified today, and then stay that way for generations. For most of the families with whom we work, that process begins with a Family Alignment Day.® This is a powerful, meaningful experience. In fact, many families have commented that this day was one of the most impactful days they have ever spent together.
Short 3 minute video on Family Alignment Day
The Family Alignment Day is completely unlike the family retreat or family gatherings with which you may be familiar. (Learn why.) By the end of your Family Alignment Day, your family will have defined its purpose, identified areas of shared vision and set priorities to work towards for the future. You will also learn each family member’s leadership and communication styles, and how to enhance communication within your family–which experts agree is the single most important tool for strengthening the family. This day includes both education and exercises and is typically facilitated by two Heritage Design Professionals™.
Family fun, and the business of the family are the order of the day.
The day is structured around these six components:
1. Identify the purposes of your family and the value of keeping it together;
2. Learn a comprehensive and balanced view of wealth (which is not just limited to money), and identify the value of being prepared to receive the financial wealth;
3. Understand why a vast majority of families fail to keep their family and wealth together for multiple generations (the “90% rule”), and the cure for that failure;
4. Identify the leadership and communication styles of each member of the family, and learn how to enhance communication within your family;5. Identify 3-5 common values upon which you ALL agree – even if you did not think you had any common vision/values; and
6. Identify the purpose of your family’s financial wealth and the value and benefits of keeping it within your family.
You and your family will finish the day with a clear vision for what is possible, an understanding of the communication and leadership styles and issues within your family (and how to improve both!), a list of common vision and values, and the next steps your family may want to take to achieve those things. Each family member will also walk away with the workbook they have completed, together with a much deeper understanding of the other members of your family.
To learn what a Family Alignment Day can do for your family, please contact us.